Output (International Comparisons) Mr. Tebbit asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list in descending order of magnitude the change in the volume of manufacturing output per employee and the output per person employed in the whole economy, between 1973 and 1977, in each member State of the EEC, the United States of America, Canada and Japan. Mr. Denzil Davies Such information as is readily available on a comparable basis from publications of the OECD only permits calculation of the change for all the countries specified between 1973 and 1976, and is given in the tables below:---------------------- |Belgium |+12·0| ---------------------- |West Germany |+11·1| ---------------------- |Ireland |+11·1| ---------------------- |Netherlands |+10·8| ---------------------- |France3 |+ 6·1| ---------------------- |USA |+ 5·9| ---------------------- |Canada |+ 5·0| ---------------------- |Italy |+ 1·5| ---------------------- |Japan |+ 1·2| ---------------------- |United Kingdom|—0·3 | ---------------------- Sources: OECD Industrial Production—Quarterly Supplement to Main Economic Indicators 1978–3.OECD Labour Force Statistics 1965–1976. 1.Manufacturing output at constant 1970 prices per manufacturing wage earner and salaried employee.2 Data for Denmark and Luxembourg are not available in OECD publications.3 The definition of manufacturing output represents only 77 per cent. of manufacturing industry and is therefore not consistent with the employment definition. ---------------------- |West Germany |+10·1| ---------------------- |Belgium |+ 8·8| ---------------------- |Netherlands |+ 8·8| ---------------------- |France |+ 8·1| ---------------------- |Japan |+ 7·2| ---------------------- |Ireland |+ 6·8| ---------------------- |Denmark |+ 4·4| ---------------------- |Italy |+ 3·2| ---------------------- |Canada |+ 1·3| ---------------------- |United Kingdom|+ 1·2| ---------------------- |USA |+ 0·1| ---------------------- |Luxembourg |—3·8 | ---------------------- Sources: OECD Main Economic Indicators, December 1978. OECD Labour Force Statistics 1965–1976. 1 Gross domestic product in purchasers' values, at 1970 prices and exchange rates, per head of total employment.