Auxiliaries (Training) 37. Mr. Geoffrey Cooper asked the Secretary of State for Air if those men and women who have joined the Royal Auxiliary Air Force since the war and in so doing have accepted lower rank, will be called-up in any G, or other class service, in the rank held during their former Royal Air Force service. Mr. Crawley Man and women who are members of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force will not be called up for Class G. They will carry out training in their Royal Auxiliary Air Force units in the ranks they hold in those units. Mr. Cooper Since many auxiliaries will be losing financially during their three months' service, compared with what they receive in their civil employment, can the Minister see any way of removing the apparent unfairness mentioned in the Question? Is it not a fact that those who have volunteered since the war to serve in the Auxiliary Air Force will be losing compared with those who have been conscripted for service under the new arrangements? Mr. Crawley We hope to help them by a bounty.