Japanese Tyres (Anti-Oxidants) 43. Mrs. Joyce Butler asked the Minister of Labour if he is now satisfied that imported tyres from Japan do not contain anti-oxidants suspected of having carcinogenic properties which might be dangerous to workers working on the reclaimed rubber; and if he will make a statement. Mrs. Shirley Williams My right hon. Friend has made inquiries to acertain whether tyres imported from Japan contain known carcinogenic anti-oxidants, but we have not yet had a reply. Mrs. Butler Is my hon. Friend aware of the widespread medical and industrial concern about the lack of information on these tyres? In view of the Minister's powers and obligation to protect workers from potentially harmful substances, can he take some action to speed up the supply of this information either directly or through another Government Department and prevent the import of these tyres until the information is received? Mrs. Williams My hon. Friend will be glad to know that at present my right hon. Friend is making inquiries to ascertain whether any country from which we import rubber uses carcinogenic antioxidants in the manufacture of their rubber.