Labour Bureaux MR. ALDEN (Middlesex, Tottenham) I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that during the month of July last 3ยท7 per cent. of the members of the trade unions making returns were described as unemployed; that the total number of situations filled by labour bureaux during the same period in London and the provinces was 2,952, being 28 per cent. of the applications received; that the municipal bureau of Munich alone finds employment for over 4,000 applicants per month, or 60 per cent. of the applications received; and whether, under the circumstances, he would encourage, by every means in his power, the better organisation of these institutions in England, with a view to the assistance of the unemployed. MR. JOHN BURNS I am aware of the facts stated in the Question. I shall be ready to consider any suitable suggestions which my hon friend may wish to make for the purpose which he has in view. MR. CURRAN asked if employers of labour did not utilise the glut in the labour market to get work performed at starvation rates of wages. [No Answer was returned.] MR. ALDEN Will the right hon. Gentleman send a representative to Germany to study the working of the labour bureaux there. MR. JOHN BURNS; I hope to go there myself.