Malta (Education) Dr. Morgan asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the number of British or non-Maltese teachers in the elementary and secondary schools of Malta; and whether any information is available as to the qualification or remuneration of these teachers as compared with Maltese teachers of similar qualifications? Colonel Stanley Information on these points is not immediately available. I have asked the Governor to supply it and I will communicate with the hon. Member when I have received it. Dr. Morgan asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether any recent information is available about the position in Malta in the matter of education in the primary and elementary schools, denominational or otherwise, of the educational standard of pupils and teachers, of average attendances of schoolchildren in recent times of stress; and whether any plans are now being reviewed for uplifting the educational standard in the post-war period? Colonel Stanley Yes, Sir. At the end of last year a visit was paid to Malta by an education inspector of the L.C.C. whom the council were good enough to lend at my request, and I am sending the hon. Member a copy of his report, which is now under consideration. Post-war educational problems are being actively considered by the Government of Malta