Indian Regimental Establishment Colonel GREIG asked what was the establishment of all ranks of the British Regular Forces (regimental) on the Indian establishment for each of the years 1900 to 1913, inclusive, and what were in those respective years the number of effectives of all ranks? Mr. MONTAGU The statistics showing the establishment and strength of British Regular Forces (regimental) on the Indian establishment for each of the years 1900 to 1912 are given below. In India establishments are liable to vary during the year, and where such variation has taken place the higher figure is given. The effective strength also fluctuates and is given for 1st May in each year, this being the first Return after the conclusion of the trooping season, and therefore showing the effective strength at its highest:— Establishment: 1900, 73,512; 1901, 73,512; 1902, 74,322; 1903, 74,444; 1904, 74,648; 1905, 75,008; 1906, 75,093; 1907, 75,967; 1908, 76,155; 1909, 76,009; 1910, 75,884; 1911, 75,884; 1912, 75,886.Effectives: 1900,* 63,745; 1901,* 65,167; 1902,* 64,745; 1903, 76,656; 1904,77,647; 1905, 76,894; 1906, 75,783; 1907, 75,180; 1908, 74,218; 1909, 76,310; 1910, 76,842; 1911, 76,339; 1912, 75,495. Figures for 1913 are not yet available. * Troops absent in South Africa.