Mrs Galiyara Mrs. Renée Short asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will carry out an urgent inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of a premature baby born at Heathrow Airport to Mrs. Galiyara. Mr. Merlyn Rees I have received a full report on this unhappy incident and have studied it most carefully. It is clear that the baby's death was in no way attributable to the action taken by the Immigration Service, which was throughout guided by medical advice; that the child could not in any circumstances have lived for more than a day or two—it died in hospital 24 hours after its delivery by the Port Medical Inspector; that the mother at all times received prompt medical attention; and that, contrary to reports, she was treated with courtesy, compassion, and concern by all those involved. In the circumstances I do not consider that further enquiry, which could only add to the distress of the parents, would serve any useful purpose.