World Food Stocks 6. Mr. Kenneth Lewis asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will discuss with other European Ministers of Agriculture the possibility of setting up a world food bank. Mr. Strang The idea of a world food bank has been considered on many occasions since the Second World War but it has never been possible to find solutions to the many problems of international co-operation and control involved. However, Her Majesty's Government, together with other EEC Governments, have supported the FAO international undertaking on world food security, which involves the 1973–74 level of consumption per person. Mr. Bishop There was no shortfall of production against consumption of liquid milk in England and Wales in 1973–74, nor is any forecast for 1974–75 or 1975–76. In 1973–74 1,472 million gallons were sold through the milk marketing boards for liquid consumption and 1,066 million gallons went for manufacture. In 1974–75 the quantity sold for liquid consumption is likely to be about 1,510 million gallons. Mr. Pym asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how much milk was produced from British farms in 1974; what the total consumption of liquid milk was in 1974; what the total manufacture of butter and other milk products was in 1974; and what were the figures for 1972 and 1973. Mr. Peart The figures for 1972 and 1973 and for the period January-November 1974, the latest period for which information is available, are as follows:international co-ordination of national stocks, and its implementation will be discussed in the EEC Council and elsewhere.