Tangier (British And French Rights) 6. Mr. I. Thomas asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will now take steps to restore British and French rights at Tangier? Mr. Eden British rights in Tangier are covered by the modus vivendi reached with the Spanish Government early in 1941 about which a full statement was made by the then Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State on February 26th, 1941. Under this modus vivendi British rights are fully safeguarded pending a final settlement, which cannot at present be reached, since it is not possible during the war for the signatories of the relevant international instruments to enter into negotiation. I am not prepared to make any statement regarding French rights at Tangier beyond recalling that the provisional arrangement to which I have referred was expressly concluded without prejudice to the rights of third parties under the relevant international instruments. Mr. Thomas Am I to understand that the right hon. Gentleman does not regard the present modus vivendi as permanently satisfactory? Mr. Eden As far as I understand Latin, it expresses itself.