Paper And Board Industry Mr. Frank R. White asked the Secretary of State for Industry what was the level of investment in the paper and board industry during the most recent 12-month period for which figures are available; and if he will make a statement. Mr. David Mitchell The latest year for which statistics are available is 1977. In that year total net capital expenditure was £52·8 million, an increase over previous years. Since 1977 several major investments have been announced, particularly by Thames Board Mills Limited at Workington. Mr. Frank R. White asked the Secretary of State for Industry if he intends to implement the recommendations in the sector working party report on the British paper and board industry; and if he will make a statement. Mr. David Mitchell The Department is considering the recommendations in the end-year report of the paper and board sector working party, and will give its response to the sector working party in due course. Mr. Frank R. White asked the Secrettary of State for Industry if he will make a statement on the effect on the British paper and board industry of the level of import penetration of the United Kingdom market; and what measures he proposes to take to ensure the retention of a viable British manufacturing capacity. Mr. David Mitchell The share of the United Kingdom market taken by imports has been increasing steadily in recent years. The domestic industry is no longer competitive in some product areas, though it has achieved considerable success in others notably in specialty, high value-added and waste paper-based products. It is for the industry to take steps to sharpen its competitiveness and to decide where it can remain viable in future.