Scotland Milk (Pasteurisation) 29. Mr. T. Henderson asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he has received any demands for a compulsory pasteurised milk supply in Scotland; and what action is he prepared to take? The Joint Under-Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Westwood) Apart from Glasgow Corporation's private legislation proposals of 1936 that all milk sold in the City should be pasteurised, no such demands have been made recently. The recommendations for an extension of pasteurisation made by the Committee of the Medical Research Council on Tuberculosis in War-time are presently under consideration. Timber Houses, Lanarkshire 30. Mr. McKinlay asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the cost of the timber houses erected by the Scottish Housing Association at Clympy Road, Forth, Lanarkshire? Mr. Westwood The average cost of the houses in this scheme, including connections to water mains, etc., was —507. There are 120 hours in the scheme, 56 of three rooms, 44 of four rooms and 20 of five rooms. Maybole Town Council (Filling Of Vacancies) 31. Mr. Sloan asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that Maybole Town Council has twice, within recent months, violated the political truce by declining to elect two Labour representatives to vacancies in the Town Council caused by the death of two Labour members; and what action does he intend taking to bring home to the Council the abuse they have perpetrated? Mr. Westwood My right hon. Friend is informed that in recent months two vacancies have arisen on Maybole Town Council through the deaths of members who represented the Co-operative party and that the same gentleman was nominated on behalf of that party to fill each vacancy but did not secure election. The Secretary of State has no power to intervene in the filling of vacancies on town councils. He is, however, expressing to the Council his concern that, at a time when national unity is of the first importance, they should have failed to respect the Government's view, to which their attention has already been drawn, that the political balance in a local authority should not be disturbed. Mr. Sloan Could my hon. Friend tell us whether it is the intention of the Secretary of State for Scotland, in the circumstances, to arrange for an election to enable this grievance to be rectified? Mr. Westwood That does not arise put of the Question on the Paper. Mr. Sloan Is my hon. Friend aware that two seats have been stolen from the Cooperative party in Maybole? As these people are quite incapable of carrying out a gentlemen's agreement, will he ask his right hon. Friend to dismiss them? Major Lloyd Is it not rather strange that the hon. Member for South Ayrshire (Mr. Sloan), who so consistently breaks the political truce himself, should be concerned over this matter? Mr. Sloan Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that I have never at any time broken the political truce? Contractor (Proceedings) 32. Mr. McKinlay asked the Lord Advocate when it is proposed to proceed with the trial of the Scottish contractor who was proceeded against on petition and liberated on substantial bail? The Lord Advocate (Mr. J. S. C. Reid) The investigation of this case has been unusually difficult and prolonged. I expect to be in a position within a very short time to decide whether or not to proceed further with the case. Mr. McKinlay Will the Lord Advocate be good enough to communicate with me or answer a Question in the House when he is in a position to take action? The Lord Advocate Certainly. I will inform the hon. Gentleman as soon as I have decided. Pit Ponies 34. Mr. David Adams asked the Minister of Fuel and Power the number of ponies employed underground in the mines of the country this year compared with 1938? The Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Fuel and Power(Mr. Tom Smith) The number of horses, as recorded, on colliery books at 3oth June, 1938, at mines under the Coal Mines Act in Great Britain was 32,524. Particulars for 1943 are not available but the comparable figure at 30th June, 1942, was 26,593. Mr. Adams Is my hon. Friend satisfied that in collieries where mechanisation has been advanced there are still sufficient pit ponies? Mr. Smith We have had no complaints recently, but if my hon. Friend has any particular pit in mind, I shall be glad to go into the matter. 35. Mr. Adams asked the Minister of Fuel and Power to what extent, in the interest of maximum production, he receives reports as to the proper feeding and reasonable employment of pit ponies in the mines of the country; and how far there has been an increase in fatality rates due to underfeeding and overwork? Mr. Smith The feeding and conditions of work of pit ponies are watched from day to day by the Inspectors of Mines who take such action as is necessary at the time and report to my right hon. and gallant Friend periodically on the general situation, which continues to be satisfactory. The fatality rate has not increased and I know of no evidence which would suggest that ponies have died from underfeeding or overwork. Mr. Adams Is my hon. Friend aware that 44 per cent. of the ponies in Northumberland and Durham Counties are unemployed and that there are allegations in certain districts that ponies are being worked two shifts and are dying through exhaustion and underfeeding? Mr. Smith I know that relatively Northumberland and Durham County have the largest number of pit ponies underground. If my hon. Friend knows of any particular pit where ponies are being treated unfairly, I shall be glad to look into the question.