Motoring Offences Mr. Don Foster To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) what record is kept of motoring offences overseas by holders of driving licences of the United Kingdom; and if he will place a copy of the most recent set of such statistics in the Library; [115713](2) what steps (a) have taken place and (b) are planned to reduce the incidences of motoring offences by holders of United Kingdom driving licences while overseas. [115714] Mr. Jamieson No records are currently kept in this country of motoring offences committed overseas by holders of UK driving licences.Motoring laws can vary widely between countries and they are also subject to changes. It would therefore be impractical for the Government to provide definitive and comprehensive advice on compliance for UK licence holders visiting each country.In the context of the European Union, the UK actively co-operates with other member states on road safety to promote higher standards and to reduce the risk of accidents due to bad driving. In addition, the Crime (International Co-operation) Bill, which received its second reading in this House on 1 April 2003, includes measures to enable the ratification of the EU Convention on Driving Disqualifications.Under the Convention, drivers normally resident in one member state who are disqualified from driving in another member state will also be disqualified in their state of residence. This will tackle the most serious driving offence cases and should act as a significant deterrent to bad driving. DVLA will administer the process in the UK and will have records of UK licence holders disqualified in member states which have ratified the Convention and with whom a bi-lateral agreement has been reached, as well as of non-UK licence holders disqualified in this country.