Contracting Out Mr. McAllion To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list all those services or functions contracted out in his Department, since November 1991, in which the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 were not applied. Mr. Baldry Whether or not the 1981 regulations apply in any particular case will depend on the nature of the work awarded and the contractors' own proposals for carrying it out.Since publication of the White Paper "Competing for Quality, Buying Better Public Services" the Secretary of State's market-testing programme has included the activities listed below which have been contracted out under contractual arrangements which did not need to incorporate the 1981 regulations: —procurement of professional property services, provided previously by the Property Services Agency;—increased use of contract inspectors by the Planning Inspectorate agency;—information technology project management within the Planning Inspectorate agency; and—research and research services—first tranche. Information relating to services or functions which are not on the Department's market-testing programme but which have been contracted out since November 1991 cannot be obtained except at disproportionate cost. Mr. McAllion To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list all those services or functions contracted out in Ordnance Survey since November 1991, in which the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 were not applied. Mr. Baldry Since November 1991 Ordnance Survey has not contracted out any function involving the transfer of its staff.