The Suez Canal—The International Commission—Question MR. O'DONNELL asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, If he could inform the House whether it be the fact that the Suez Canal Company was unrepresented on the International Commission which recently altered the Canal Transit Dues in the interest of the vessels using the Canal? MR. BOURKE Sir, the International Commission, which assembled at the invitation of the Porte at Constantinople in October last, was composed exclusively of delegates of the Maritime Powers. It follows that neither the Suez Canal Company nor any of the ship companies whose interests were opposed to the Canal Company could have a representative on the Commission. But St. de Lesseps was free to bring his case before the Commission; but he never showed any disposition or expressed any wish to attend. In point of fact, his views were amply considered by the Commission, and were fully stated and powerfully advocated by M. Rumeau, one of the French Delegates.