Iraq Mr. McGrady To ask the Minister of State, Department for International Development what further steps will be taken (a) to provide ongoing development and humanitarian aid for the reconstruction of Iraq and (b) to address the needs of the communities there. [128273] Hilary Benn The Department for International Development has now committed £198 million towards humanitarian and reconstruction assistance in Iraq. This money is being used to support essential services such as health care, food supply, electricity, water and sanitation, and to undertake reconstruction and mine clearance work. The aim is to achieve real and rapid improvements to the lives of ordinary Iraqi citizens. Most of the funding is channelled through United Nations agencies, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement and NGOs, which have the capacity and experience to implement humanitarian and development programmes effectively on the ground. DFID is also financing projects managed by commercial companies. £20 million was recently approved for spare parts, equipment and rehabilitation work to improve service delivery in the power, fuel and water sectors in southern Iraq.Future allocations will be considered in view of social and economic needs assessments under preparation by the UN, World Bank and IMF. Lynne Jones To ask the Minister of State, Department for International Development what measures the Department is taking to rebuild Iraq's seed supply. [128608] Hilary Benn The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is focusing its current activities in Iraq on the procurement and distribution of seed and other inputs for the winter planting season, which is the immediate priority for Iraqi farmers. DFID has provided £1,500,000 to FAO to support agriculture in conflict-affected areas of southern Iraq, including the provision of seed. In the longer term, priorities may include the creation of grain banks.