Health And Pensions Insurance Contributions 77. Mr. THOMAS LEWIS asked the Minister of Health the number of health and pensions insurance contributions received in respect of seamen employed of foreign-going ships for the half years ended July, 1928, and July, 1929, respectively? Mr. GREENWOOD The estimated numbers of health and pensions insurance contributions in respect of seamen resident in Great Britain and employed on foreign-going ships received in the half-years ended July, 1928, and July, 1929, were 2,328,000 and 1,910,000 respectively. These numbers do not, however, provide a, true basis of comparison owing to the change in January, 1929, from the stamped card system to the schedule system. The full effect of the latter system will not be apparent until it has been in operation for at least a year. 83. Mr. ARTHUR LAW asked the Minister of Health if he is prepared to make provision to prevent an insured contributor to the National Health Insurance being penalised by a defaulting employer who has not stamped his insurance card for the weeks when the member was employed? Mr. GREENWOOD Provision is already made under the National Health Insurance Act for the recovery of contributions from defaulting employers and for enabling benefits to be paid on the basis of contributions so recovered. In addition, where an insured person has suffered any loss of benefit through his employer's default he, or his approved society acting on his behalf, is entitled under Section 98 of the Act to recover from the employer the amount lost. 87. Mr. THORNE asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the case of a Luton contractor who has been summoned for the non-stamping of six Sheffield workmen's health insurance cards; and whether the workmen have suffered loss of benefit in consequence? Mr. GREENWOOD The employer in this case has been fined and ordered to pay the contributions due. I have no information as to any loss of health insurance benefits in consequence of his default, but if there has been any such loss the workmen have a statutory right to recover from him the amount of benefit lost.