Albania 2. Mr. GIBBS asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has been informed why Colonel Doulis has been struck off the list of officers of the Greek army? The SECRETARY of STATE for FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Sir E. Grey) I am informed that Colonel Doulis ceased to be an officer of the Greek army owing to his connection with the Epirote forces; that is all the information I have. 5. Mr. AUBREY HERBERT asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the action of the Greek Government in striking off from the list of officers of the army the name of Colonial Doulis can be held to exculpate that Government for the massacres in Epirus for which he has been responsible? Sir E. GREY I really cannot pronounce upon how far Colonel Doulis is responsible for alleged massacres or how far and till what date the Greek Government could be said to have any responsibility for his actions. 3. Mr. GIBBS asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has any information, official or unofficial, as to the number of refugees round Avlona? Sir E. GREY I have no means of knowing how many refugees may have reached the neighbourhood of Valona. I learn from a private letter from Valona, dated the 15th instant, that there were said to be then about 7,000 refugees in the town. 4. Mr. GIBBS asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he has any official or unofficial information of the number of Cretans landed in the last month at Aya Saranda? Sir E. GREY I have no information on the subject from any source.