Explosion, Tel Aviv 14. Mr. Lipson asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will make a statement on the failure of the recent attempt to blow up the British headquarters at Tel Aviv when a Palestinian Jew, Zeev Werber, sacrificed his life to save the lives of 300 British troops. Mr. Creech Jones Shortly after 11 o'clock on 18th of June an explosion occurred in the basement of a house near the Military Cantonment in Citrus House, Tel Aviv. On investigation the body of a young Jew was found at the opening of a tunnel leading in the direction of Citrus House. The tunnel was timbered and construction must have been in progress for some time. In the basement was a chalked message in Hebrew, reading, "The Hagana were here. We want you by force not to carry out your evil intention. Signed Hagana." Outside the building was a vehicle loaded with cement which had been removed without permission from the Municipal garage. It appears that the Hagana had learnt that an attempt by terrorists to blow up Citrus House was in progress, and had decided to frustrate it by blocking the entry to the tunnel with cement. The entry had, however, been booby trapped; and when the leader of the Hagana party, identified as Zeev Werber, the son of a municipal employee in Tel Aviv, attempted to enter, he was fatally wounded by an explosion. His funeral in Tel Aviv the next day was attended by representatives of the District Commissioner and of the Superintendent of Police in recognition of the fact that he had lost his life as a result of action which had probably prevented a serious terrorist outrage and consequent British casualties. Mr. Lipson Is not co-operation on the part of Hagana very much to be welcomed in combating terrorism? May I ask whether any pension will be payable to the dependents of this young Jew who gave his life? Is the right hon. Gentleman also aware that in the first report in "The Times" this man was described as one of the terrorists? Fortunately, the "Express" had the correct version. Is it not rather unusual for the "Express" to be more correct than "The Times"? Mr. Creech Jones I cannot answer the last part of the question but it may be that "The Times" misreported it. It is a fact, of course, that Hagana has played some limited part in trying to root out terrorism and suppress this evil. I must say that the British Government would wish for a larger measure of cooperation than has so far been forthcoming. Mr. Lipson Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the part of my question dealing with compensation? Mr. Creech Jones I should require notice of that. Squadron-Leader Fleming May I ask whether any steps are being taken to recognise the gallantry of this young Jew? Mr. Creech Jones That is a matter for the Palestine Government. I confess that we have not given consideration to it.