Paye Forms 49. Mr. Keeling asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will stop the issue of Pay As You Earn booklets to employers whose servants are not liable for Income Tax. Mr. Dalton P.A.Y.E. forms are only issued when there is reason to think that an employee, may be liable. Mr. Keeling Can the Chancellor say why a considerable number of eight-ounce packets of printed tables have been issued explaining how much people who are not liable for Income Tax would have to pay if they were? Mr. Dalton The hon. Gentleman's weighing machine is out of order. What he has received are—I have looked into the case with care—four thin slips. [HON. MEMBERS: "Oh, no."] This has all been looked into. I am speaking of the hon. Member's case, which I have investigated. It is an exaggeration and an inaccuracy to speak of half-pound packets. Four thin slips have been circulated to him because it was thought that one of his employees was liable to Income Tax. Mr. Keeling I was not speaking about myself at all.