United Nations Population Fund (Unfpa) Lord Alton of Liverpool asked Her Majesty's Government:What was the total value of the assistance provided to the United Nations Family Planning Association's programme since 1981. [HL1144] Baroness Amos The UK makes an annual core contribution to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to enable people in poorer countries to have children by choice, and to protect their sexual and reproductive health. A total of £121.7 million has been provided in core grants since 1981, as follows: ----------------------- |Calendar Year | ----------------------- |1981 | ----------------------- |1982 | ----------------------- |1983 | ----------------------- |1984 | ----------------------- |1985 | ----------------------- |1986 | ----------------------- |1987 | ----------------------- |1988 | ----------------------- |1989 | ----------------------- |1990 | ----------------------- |1991 | ----------------------- |1992 | ----------------------- |1993 | ----------------------- |1994 | ----------------------- |1995 | ----------------------- |1996 | ----------------------- |1997 | ----------------------- |1998 | ----------------------- |Total 1981–98 (incl.)| ----------------------- This does not include occasional direct support to UNFPA from DFID's bilateral programmes (multi-bilateral assistance), notably to procure contraceptive commodities. This information can only be provided at disproportionate cost. Lord Alton of Liverpool asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they have made any decisions on funding the United Nations Family Planning Association in view of the quinquennial review of the International Conference on Population and Development. [HL1146] Baroness Amos The quinquennial review is an operational assessment of global progress in implementing the International Conference on Population and Development agreement. The findings of the review will be presented at a Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly from 30 June to 2 July and are expected to highlight the need for more concerted international action to prevent the spread of HIV, reduce maternal mortality and ensure equitable access to sexual and reproductive health services in poorer countries, including contraceptive supplies.National governments are responsible for taking forward the ICPD agenda, in partnership with bilateral and multilateral agencies, including the World Health Organisation, the UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and civil society at large. The review will help to inform future operational activities and spending priorities for all these actors.The UK contribution to UNFPA for 1999–2000 will be announced as usual at the beginning of the financial year. We shall remain among their most significant contributors. Lord Alton of Liverpool asked Her Majesty's Government:What was the International Planned Parenthood Federation's most recent grant to the China Family Planning Association (CFPA); and what is the total assistance provided to date. [HL1145] Baroness Amos The International Planned Parenthood Federation's grant to its Chinese affiliate for calendar year 1988 was US$637, 800. (This is an actual, not yet audited figure.) Total assistance provided between 1981, when the China Family Planning Association joined the Federation, and 1998 is US$14, 185, 900.-------------- |Year Actuals| -------------- |1981 | -------------- |1982 | -------------- |1983 | -------------- |1984 | -------------- |1985 | -------------- |1986 | -------------- |1987 | -------------- |1988 | -------------- |1989 | -------------- |1990 | -------------- |1991 | -------------- |1992 | -------------- |1993 | -------------- |1994 | -------------- |1995 | -------------- ------------------------- |1996 | ------------------------- |1997 | ------------------------- |1998 Actual Not Audited| ------------------------- |Total | ------------------------- Lord Alton of Liverpool asked Her Majesty's Government:What was the total value of the United Kingdom's most recent contribution to the United Nations Family Planning Association's programme of assistance in China. [HL1143] Baroness Amos The UK makes an annual core contribution to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to enable people in poorer countries to have children by choice, and to protect their sexual and reproductive health. In 1998, the UK core grant to UNFPA was £13, 119, 897. This supports activities in over 150 countries, including China. It is not possible to disaggregate a UK share of UNFPA's China programme.