Steamship "Glenart Castle" (Loss) 5. Major HUNT asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he can now give the explanation of Commander Sir Edward Nicholl as to his statement that the German submarine which sank the "Glenart Castle" received information by a spy from Newport, that there were spies in every port in the Bristol Channel, and that he knew because he was examination officer for the Bristol Channel? Dr. MACNAMARA Sir Edward Nicholl was at the time serving under the War Office. He has been asked for an ex- planation by that Department. I understand his explanation has not yet been received, but that steps are being taken by the War Office to hastem the reply. Mr. RONALD MCNEILL How many weeks have passed since this statement was made? Dr. MACNAMARA The statement was made on the 3rd March, and on the 11th March I said that an explanation would be asked for. I shall have the opportunity myself of speaking to Sir Edward Nicholl on Tuesday.