Race And Sex Discrimination Legislation Mr. Alison asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the references in Command Paper No. 5724 to difference and similarities between the purposes, aims, methods, and provisions of the Sex Discrimination Bill and the Race Relations Acts; if he will further elaborate these references to show other such differences and similarities not specifically mentioned in Command Paper No. 5724, and likewise list them; and if, in respect of these lists and references, he will specify the places in the respective Bill and Acts to which they refer. Dr. Summerskill Many of the differences and similarities between the Sex Discrimination Bill and the Race Relations Acts are not of a kind which can sensibly be reduced to tabular form. I regret, therefore, that the information cannot be provided in the form requested by the hon. Member.The Government's strategy for the Sex Discrimination Bill was fully developed in Cmnd. 5724. In addition I am sending the hon. Member a note summarising the main provisions of the Bill and indicating the most important changes from the proposals in the White Paper.