Gross Domestic Product Mr. Ron Davies asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what is the gross domestic product of each region in England for the last 12 months for which figures are available; and how each region compares with the figures for 1980 and 1975 in real and cash terms. Mr. Butcher Current price (cash terms) gross domestic product data for the regions of England are published in the article "Regional Accounts 1983" ("Economic Trends" November 1984), a copy of which is available in the House of Commons Library. This article total subsidy paid to British Shipbuilders; and if he will calculate what these data are as (a) a percentage of sales value of work done and (b) per employee. Mr. Channon Following are the figures:covers 1983 (the latest available), 1980 and 1975. Constant price (real terms) gross domestic product data for the regions are not available.