European Monetary Union Mr. Austin Mitchell To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what estimate he has made of the impact on UK tax rates of UK entry into European monetary union in 1999. [37176] Mrs. Angela Knight It is too early to assess the possible impact of joining a single currency on the UK. A full assessment of the costs and benefits will be carried out nearer the time, when the facts are known. Decisions on fiscal policy, including decisions on rates and levels of tax, must remain a matter for member states. These are at the heart of national politics. Mr. Mitchell To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what assessment he has made of the advantages of monetary union to each member of the EU. [37177] Mrs. Knight It is too early to assess the possible impact of joining the single currency on the UK. A full assessment of the costs and benefits will be carried out nearer the time, when the facts are known. No assessment has been made of other member states' positions.