Consett And Stanley Mr. David Watkins asked the Secretary of State for Employment what special employment measures he is taking to support jobs in Consett and Stanley, County Durham. Mr. Golding Consett and Stanley will continue to benefit from the Government's various special employment measures which have so far helped over 1,900 people in the area. In the coming months the extension of the small firms employment subsidy which my right hon. Friend announced on 9th November 1978 will provide further help. In addition, because of the area's status as a special development area, Consett and Stanley will also continue to benefit from the highest levels of regional assistance available under the Industry Act 1972. Mr. David Watkins asked the Secretary of State for Employment what proportion of unemployed persons in Consett and Stanley, County Durham, is under 20 years of age. Mr. Golding At 12th October the proportions of those registered as unemployed who were under 20 years of age in the Consett and Stanley employment office areas were 23·8 per cent. and 24·5 per cent. respectively.