South Africa Mr. Faulds asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he will ensure that the British Embassy in South Africa will send an observer to the forthcoming trial in Windhoek of leaders of the SWAPO Youth League; and whether he will make representations to the Government of the Republic of South Africa about the continued harassment of leaders of SWAPO. Mr. Rowlands I am making urgent inquiries about the reported trial. I am not aware that any other SWAPO leaders face trial. I shall reply fully to both parts of the Question as soon as further information is available. Mr. Faulds asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he will make renewed representations to the Government of the Republic of South Africa about the continued detention of Namibians on Robben Island and in other prisons in South Africa. Mr. Rowlands We have taken every suitable opportunity to remind the South Africans of our views on the detention of Namibians for non-criminal political offences, and will continue to do so. Mr. Faulds asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether the tasks of the Labour Attaché at the British Embassy in South Africa include the study of labour conditions in Namibia, with particular reference to the labour policies of British firms involved in Namibia; and whether he will give details of any reports he may have received. Mr. Rowlands The Labour Attaché in South Africa does include the subjects mentioned among his tasks. It is not the practice to make public details of labour attaches' reports.