Canary Wharf Mr. Mikardo asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what was the cost to the London Docklands Development Corporation of building the red brick road on Canary wharf and the subsequent costs of relaying this road. Sir George Young The cost to the LDDC of building the red brick road on Canary wharf was £474,000, including drainage work and professional fees. This form of construction was chosen to allow the materials to be reused, if necessary, greatly reducing the cost of any subsequent road on which they are used. Mr. Mikardo asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what existing firms in Cannon workshops would be required to move out as a result of the proposed Canary wharf development proceeding. Sir George Young The existing firms in the new, unlisted part of the Cannon workshops would be displaced by the Canary wharf development. It is the LDDC's intention, however, to ensure that alternative accommodation is made available and that all out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of any move are reimbursed.