Orkney And Shetland 21. Mr. Grimond asked the Postmaster-General whether he is now satisfied with the radio-telephone link between North Ronaldshay and Sanday. Mr. Ness Edwards Yes, Sir. It is hoped that the first public telephone kiosk on North Ronaldshay will be provided in a few months' time. 22. Mr. Grimond asked the Postmaster-General whether he can give any further information as to when the island of Skerries, in Shetland, may expect a telephone link. Mr. Ness Edwards The equipment for this link has been ordered. Mr. Grimond Can the right hon. Gentleman say when it may be received, and whether there is now any general shortage of equipment for this sort of service? Mr. Ness Edwards I cannot get a firm date from the firm with whom the order has been placed.