Employment Action Teams Dr. Kumar To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) where peripatetic employment action team advisors are present across the Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland constituency; how regularly they use these locations; and if he will estimate the number of users at each location; [115531](2) what internal estimates of working age employment rates in each ward of the Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland constituency informed the selection of wards for employment action team status. [115532] Mr. Browne The outreach location used by the Middlesbrough Action Team for Jobs in the Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland constituency is in the Hemlington Initiative Centre, Cass House Road. Action Team Advisers attend the Centre twice a week and, on average, see 10 clients on each visit.In 2001, Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland was chosen as an Action Teams for Jobs area because the local authority was ranked as one of the 30 with the lowest labour market participation in Great Britain.The selection of wards within the area to be covered by the Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland constituency was based on the proportion of the working age population not in employment. The wards targeted had a working age employment rate of 58.5 per cent. or below at the time of selection.The office for National Statistics does not produce employment rates down to individual wards from the Labour Force Survey. For this specific purpose a one off exercise was carried out to calculate data at ward level in Action Team areas. At ward level there is a larger margin of error and so a combination of data, including benefit recipient data, was used to rank wards in Action Team Local Authority Districts. The following table shows the employment rates for wards in the Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland constituency derived from this exercise. ----------------------- |Park End | ----------------------- |Easterside | ----------------------- |Hemlington | ----------------------- |Stainton and Thornton| ----------------------- |Newham | ----------------------- |Marton | ----------------------- |Nunthorpe | ----------------------- Source: Jobcentre Plus