Agriculture Milk Marketing Scheme 14. Mr. Sexton asked the Minister of Agriculture what further action has been taken by the Milk Marketing Board in the case of William Mitcheson, of Burnhope Flatts farm, Burnhope, County Durham, whose three cows were sold for 7s. under a county court order; and whether he will institute an inquiry into the whole circumstances under Section 15 (2) of the Agricultural Marketing Act, 1931? The Minister of Agriculture (Mr. W. S. Morrison) I am informed that the Milk Marketing Board are taking further action under the procedure authorised by rules of the court for the recovery of the amount due from Mr. Mitcheson. With regard to the second part of the question, I am advised that the matter is not one appropriate for investigation by an Agricultural Marketing Reorganisation Commission under the provisions of Section 15 (2) of the Agricultural Marketing Act, 1931. Mr. Sexton Will the right hon. Gentleman use his influence with the Milk Marketing Board to use their clemency in this case, as the man, I believe, is not unreasonable in the matter? Mr. Morrison The hon. Member will appreciate that in connection with these levies, the board must operate justly between all the producers, those who pay and those who do not. Mr. T. Williams Will the right hon. Gentleman have this Section 15 (2) looked into, to see whether or not the Milk Marketing Board have the power to take the steps which they have taken quite recently? Mr. Morrison Yes, Sir. Poultry Industry 15. Sir Gifford Fox asked the Minister of Agriculture whether any research has been carried out to ascertain whether it is possible to carry on the poultry industry in this country on the basis of the present prices of eggs and foodstuffs, respectively; and, if not, whether he will arrange for research to be carried out in this respect forthwith? Mr. W. S. Morrison Research into the costs and returns of commercial egg and poultry farming has been in progress for some years at various advisory centres, and the results are published from time to time. The hon. Baronet will appreciate that prices of eggs and feeding-stuffs are only two of the factors which govern the economic position of the industry. Sir G. Fox Is my right hon. Friend aware that the wholesale price of feeding-stuffs has gone up nearly 50 per cent. in the last 12 months and that the price of eggs has gone down compared with 12 months ago, and that the whole industry is faced with bankruptcy? Mr. Morrison As regards the first part of my hon. Friend's supplementary question, I am glad to say that the cost of feeding-stuffs was slightly easier recently, and as regards the second part of his supplementary question, the answer to my hon. Friend is in the negative. The price of National Mark Standard eggs on 19th February, in London, was 16s. 6d. per long hundred, against 15s. per long hundred last year and 13s. per long hundred at the same date in the two previous years. Sir N. Stewart Sandeman Will my right hon. Friend tell us how many recruits from the labour-training centres are flowing into this egg business? Mr. Morrison I could not say that without notice. Mr. George Griffiths Arising out of the right hon. Gentleman's previous answer, is it not a fact that the foreigner is always paying for tariffs instead of the British trading interests? 16. Mr. Lambert asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will introduce legislation to secure for poultry producers a stable price commensurate with the cost of production for their products? Mr. Morrison The costs of production of poultry products are influenced by many factors, such as weather and world movements in feeding stuff prices, for which the Government are not responsible, and they also vary considerably from one type of producer to another. I am not clear, therefore, how my right hon. Friend would propose to attain the objective to which he refers, but if he would care to let me have any concrete proposals I will, of course, consider them. Mr. Lambert Is it not the duty of the Government to submit concrete proposals to secure a stable price commensurate with the cost of production in the poultry industry? Mr. T. Williams Would it be possible for the right hon. Gentleman to introduce legislation to produce a stable price to the egg producers exclusively, and to the farmers? Mr. Lambert What about the coal people? 17. Major-General Sir Alfred Knox asked the Minister of Agriculture what was the number of eggs imported in 1936 from countries from which imports are not controlled by trade agreements; and whether, in view of the serious plight of the poultry industry, he will take steps to secure the prohibition or reduction of such imports? The Secretary for Mines (Captain Crookshank) I have been asked to reply. With my hon. and gallant Friend's permission, I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the countries from which eggs were imported last year and with whom we have no trade agreements in which eggs are specifically mentioned, together with the quantities of eggs imported from such countries. I would point out, however, that we have commercial treaties with most of these countries under which they are accorded most-favoured-nation rights. As regards the second part of the question, there is nothing that I can usefully add to the replies that have been given by my right hon. Friends, the Minister of Agriculture and the President of the Board of Trade, to recent questions on the subject. Sir A. Knox Are the Government then going to let this whole industry go bankrupt? Sir Francis Acland Could not the hon. and gallant Gentleman add to the report which he has indicated that he will be able to make anything about the subsidisation of egg exportation from the countries concerned? Captain Crookshank If the right hon. Gentleman wants any other information and puts down a request for it on the Paper, I will see what can be done in the matter. Sir A. Knox Will the hon. and gallant Gentleman answer my question? Following is the list:------------------------------ |Irish Free State |…|…| ------------------------------ |Australia |…|…| ------------------------------ |South Africa |…|…| ------------------------------ |Canada |…|…| ------------------------------ |New Zealand |…|…| ------------------------------ |Other Empire Countries |…|…| ------------------------------ |Netherlands |…|…| ------------------------------ |Roumania |…|…| ------------------------------ |Belgium |…|…| ------------------------------ |Yugoslavia |…|…| ------------------------------ |Germany |…|…| ------------------------------ |France |…|…| ------------------------------ |Egypt |…|…| ------------------------------ |United States of America|…|…| ------------------------------ |Argentina |…|…| ------------------------------ |Uruguay |…|…| ------------------------------ |Brazil |…|…| ------------------------------ |Chile |…|…| ------------------------------ |China |…|…| ------------------------------ |Japan |…|…| ------------------------------ |Other foreign countries |…|…| ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------------------------------------------- |British countries (not separately distinguished) | -------------------------------------------------------- |China | -------------------------------------------------------- |Other foreign countries (not separately distinguished)| -------------------------------------------------------- 18. Mr. Roland Robinson asked the Minister of Agriculture what organisations exist in Great Britain for the co-operative grading and marketing of eggs, and how many poultry farming concerns are members of such organisations? Mr. Morrison I am collecting the information desired by my hon. Friend and hope to have it ready to circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT. Mr. Mathers Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the information asked for in these questions is continually altering because of the fact that a very large number of people engaged in poultry farming are going out of business? Following is the information: The following agricultural co-operative organisations grade and pack eggs under the National Mark schemes in operation in England and Wales and in Scotland: England: Berks. Co-operative Poultry Producers, Limited, Wokingham, Berks. Thames Valley Poultry Producers, Limited, Didcot, Berks. Pumpsaint and District Agricultural Co-operative Society, Limited, Lampeter, Cardiganshire. Bude and District Poultry Producers, Limited, Bude, Cornwall. Cornwall Farmers' Egg Marketing Society, Limited, Wadebridge, Cornwall. Poultry Farmers of Devon, Limited, Callington, Cornwall. The Beaminster and District Collecting Depot, Limited, Beaminster, Dorset. Northern Agricultural Co-operative Society, Limited, Gateshead, Durham. Melton Mowbray and District Farmers' Association, Limited, Melton Mowbray, Leicester. Stamford and District Co-operative Egg and Poultry Society, Limited, Stamford, Lincoln. Norfolk Egg Producers, Limited. Norwich. Northamptonshire Egg Producers, Limited, Northampton. Clynderwen and District Farmers' Association, Limited, Clynderwen, Pembroke. Shropshire Egg Producers, Limited, Craven Arms, Shropshire. Framlingham and Eastern Counties Co-operative Egg and Poultry Society, Limited, Framlingham, Suffolk. Sappa, Limited, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. Heathfield and District Poultry Keepers' Association, Limited, Heath-field, Sussex. Stonegate and South Eastern Farmers' Co-operative Society, Limited, Stone-gate, Ticehurst, Sussex. Pershore Co-operative Fruit Market, Limited, Pershore, Worcester. East Yorkshire Farmers, Limited, Beverley, Yorks. Scotland: Aberdeenshire Egg Producers, Limited, Turriff. Caithness Egg Marketing Society, Limited, Thurso. Dunvegan Egg Depot, Dunvegan, Skye. In addition to these there are a number of similar organisations in both countries which do not market their eggs under the National Mark. Egg grading and packing is also carried on by various agricultural co-operative societies as a part of their ordinary business. I regret that I have no precise details of the membership of these societies generally. 19. Mr. Robinson asked the Minister of Agriculture how many poultry-farming concerns there are in Great Britain; and what has been their annual egg production during the past three years. Mr. Morrison As the reply includes a table of figures, I propose, with my hon. Friend's permission, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT. Earl Winterton Will my right hon. Friend, in circulating that report, designate the number of poultry keepers who are very small men, men in receipt of a total income lower than that of many wage-earners? Mr. Morrison The question on the Paper does not ask for that particular information, but if the Noble Lord desires it, I shall be glad to furnish it as far as I can. Mr. Gallacher Is it not the case that many ex-service men were persuaded to put their gratuities into this industry and are now being ruined? ------------------------- | | | | ------------------------- |January-June, 1934 |…|…| ------------------------- |July-December, 1934|…|…| ------------------------- |January-June, 1935 |…|…| ------------------------- |July-December, 1935|…|…| ------------------------- |January-June, 1936 |…|…| ------------------------- |July-December, 1936|…|…| ------------------------- Sir A. Knox Will the Government act now that the Communist party has taken this matter up? Following is the reply: The latest information available regarding the number of farmers keeping poultry relates to the year 1931, when fowls were kept on approximately 300,000 agricultural holdings exceeding one acre in extent in England and Wales in respect of which returns were received under the Agricultural Returns Act, 1925. No comparable figures are available relating to Great Britain as a whole, and there is no reliable information as to the number of persons who keep poultry on holdings of one acre and less including gardens and backyards. As regards the second part of the question, the following statement shows the estimated production of eggs in each of the past three years in England and Wales and in Great Britain. ----- |…|…| ----- |…|…| ----- |…|…| ----- Note.—The above figures include the estimated production of eggs on holdings one acre and less in extent. 20. Mr. Robinson asked the Minister of Agriculture what has been the course of the price of poultry feeding stuffs in Great Britain during the past three years? Mr. Morrison As the reply involves a table of figures, I propose, with my hon. Friend's permission, to have it circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT. Following is the table: 21. Major Hills asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that Danish and so-called fresh Rumanian eggs are on offer at 6s. per 120 free on rail to London; and whether he can expedite the report of the Import Duties Advisory Committee so as to save from ruin the many small poultry-rearers who have embarked their whole capital in the industry? Lieut.-Colonel Colville I have been asked to reply. I do not know the source from which the figures quoted by my right hon. and gallant Friend have been obtained. Prices of imported eggs in the early part of this year were low, but they have recently risen to more normal levels. With regard to the second part of the question, I would refer my right hon. and gallant Friend to the reply given by my right hon. Friend to the hon. and gallant Member for the New Forest and Christchurch (Major Mills) and the hon. Member for Reigate (Mr. Touche) on 16th February. 25. Mr. Turton asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in view of the large increase in the imports of eggs since the standstill arrangement was terminated, he will consider a renewal of such an arrangement in order that the poultry industry may be saved from bankruptcy? Captain Crookshank I have been asked to reply. I would refer to the reply which my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade gave on 9th February to the hon. and gallant Member for Bury St. Edmunds (Captain Heilgers). Mr. Turton Is my hon. and gallant Friend aware that I asked this question last Tuesday of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade, who said that it was a question that should be addressed to the Minister of Agriculture, and that now that I have put it to the Minister of Agriculture he refers me to the Minister of Mines, and the Minister of Mines refers me to the previous answer? Mr. J. J. Davidson Does this indicate the addled state of the Government? 26. Mr. Turton asked the Minister of Agriculture what arrangements exist in this country for placing home-laid eggs in cold storage? Mr. Morrison I am not clear as to the exact nature of the information regarding the cold storage of eggs which my hon. Friend desires, but if he will be good enough to give me details of his requirements, I shall be happy to supply him with such information as is available. Seed Potatoes 23. Mr. T. Williams asked the Minister of Agriculture the average price per cwt. of "King Edward" seed potatoes in the important markets; whether there is any shortage; and, if so, have there been any imports of seed potatoes recently? Mr. W. S. Morrison Average prices of "King Edward" seed potatoes are not readily available, but I am not not aware of any shortage of supplies. I understand that during the months of December and January licences were issued for the importation of about 2,100 tons of seed potatoes. Mr. Williams Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in certain areas of this country would-be buyers of seed potatoes find extreme difficulty in obtaining them? Mr. Morrison I am not aware of that, but if the hon. Gentleman will give me the information, I shall be very grateful. White Fish Industry (Government Proposals) 24. Mr. T. Williams asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he has now considered the second report of the Sea Fish Commission dealing with white fish; and whether he has any statement to make as to the Government's intentions with regard to it? Mr. W. S. Morrison The Government have now given full consideration to the second report of the Sea Fish Commission—of which Sir Andrew Duncan was chairman—dealing with the white fish industry. The Commission summed up the present circumstances of the industry in the following terms: "It is clear that, on the whole, there is not in this important food product a remunerative return to the producer, or a satisfactory result in quality and price to the consumer; and that, while those engaged, in the distributive sections are not gaining undue profits, intermediate marketing expenses are, in total, a heavy burden." From its survey of the facts, the Commission drew the conclusion that considerably improved organisation, distributive as well as productive, was an indispensable condition for the prosperity of the industry, and that such improved organisation could not be achieved without legislative sanction and they made recommendations with that end in view. These recommendations have been discussed with representatives of the main body of producers and of various sections of distributors, including wholesale fish merchants, fishmongers, and fish friers. The distributors have expressed general approval of the recommendations. The producers, through the British Trawlers' Federation, have represented that their case is too urgent to await the issue of the necessarily lengthy process of organising the distributive trades. They have, accordingly, submitted to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland and myself a scheme for the regulation of production and marketing which is based on the principles embodied in the Agricultural Marketing Acts, and have asked for the necessary powers to give effect to it. The Government regard this as reasonable and propose to introduce legislation which will enable such a scheme to be brought forward as early as possible. This scheme would, however, be only the first step towards an effort at reorganisation of the whole industry. The legislation will, therefore, provide for the constitution of an impartial body analagous to the Commission recommended by the Sea Fish Commission. It would be the duty of the Commission to assist in the organisation of the distributors, to consider and recommend to the Ministers schemes for the improvement of distribution, to supervise the operation of such schemes as well as of the producers' scheme, and generally to promote co-operation among all sections of the industry. Provision will also be made for the constitution of a representative Central Board or Joint Council, somewhat similar to that recommended by the Sea Fish Commission, to consider matters of common interest to the industry and trade as a whole. The Government's proposals, as will be seen, are based on the same general principles as those underlying the recommendations of the Sea Fish Commission, and the discussions we have had with representatives of the various sections of the industry lead us to believe they will be generally acceptable to them. The recommendations of the Sea Fish Commission included important proposals regarding the inspection and safety of fishing vessels and the conditions of service of the crews of trawlers, with special reference to methods of payment. The first of these two points is being dealt with by my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade, partly by administrative action, and partly by legislation at present before the House. The second point we propose to deal with in the Bill which we are now preparing. We shall submit the Bill to the House as soon as possible. Mr. Garro Jones Will the hon. Gentleman assure the House that the producer's scheme will not be presented as a whole to take or to leave, but that it will be susceptible of such Amendments as commend themselves to the House as a whole? Mr. Morrison The producer's scheme will follow, as I am at present advised, the same method of presentation to the House as was embodied in the Agricultural Marketing Act. Mr. Garro Jones May we have an assurance that we shall not find ourselves offered a scheme to take or to leave in its original form, but that the Minister will be empowered to accept any Amendments which commend themselves to the House? Mr. Morrison The hon. Member had better wait until the Bill comes forward. I will bear all these points in mind. There will have to be a great deal of consultation before the Bill reaches its final form. Mr. T. Williams In preparing the Measure, will the hon. Gentleman endeavour to do as my hon. Friend suggests and produce a scheme that is susceptible of Amendment, especially since apparently some independent Commission is going to help to prepare it? Mr. Morrison I will bear all these considerations in mind, but I would rather not give an assurance at present.