Transvaal Civil Service MR. LONSDALE I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that the reorganisation of the Transvaal Civil Service is being carried out in such a way as to involve the wholesale displacement of British officials by Boers; and whether any representations have been or will be addressed by His Majesty's Government to the Government of the Transvaal on this subject. MR. CHURCHILL. The Secretary of State does not think that the first part of the hon. Member's question correctly represents the facts. On the general question of retrenchment, His Majesty's Government have nothing to add to the statement made by me on the 19th inst. in moving the Second Reading of the Guaranteed Loan Bill. SIR GILBERT PARKER If the British Government were assured that British officials were being displaced through racial prejudice would they feel it incumbent on them to make friendly representations? MR. CHURCHILL It would be very undesirable that we should impute motives to a self-governing Colony in respect of an action that is absolutely within its own scope and authority. A large number of displacements occurred before this Government came into office. MR. MACKARNESS (Berkshire, Newbury) asked whether General Smuts had not declared that the Transvaal Government had no intention of making any discrimination. MR. CHURCHILL I believe that is so.