Mineral Workings Money Resolution reported: That, for the purposes of any Act of the present Session to establish a fund for financing the restoration of certain land used for working ironstone by opencast operations, and to make provision for certain other purposes, it is expedient to authorise— (1) The issuing out of the Consolidated Fund of sums required by the said Act of the present Session to be so issued— (a) in respect of contributions payable under the said Act to the Minister of Local Government and Planning out of payments falling to be paid in pursuance of section fifty-eight of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947, in respect of certain interests in land, and interest on such contributions;(b) in respect of sums paid into the Exchequer by the Central Land Board under section sixty-eight of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947, in pursuance of any provision of the said Act of the present Session; and the application of sums paid into the Exchequer as aforesaid in the redemption or repayment of debt or, in so far as they represent interest, in the payment of interest otherwise payable out of the permanent annual charge for the National Debt.(2) The raising of money by the Treasury, in any manner in which they are authorised to raise money under the National Loans Act, 1939, for the purpose of providing sums to be issued out of the Consolidated Fund as mentioned in paragraph (1) of this resolution, or of providing for the replacement of sums so issued.(3) The payment out of moneys provided by Parliament of—(a) any administrative expenses of the Minister of Local Government and Planning under the said Act of the present Session (including remuneration or allowances paid to the members of any committee thereunder) and any other expenses of his under that Act—(i) in making advances to the Ironstone Restoration Fund established under that Act;(ii) in making contributions to the said Fund at the rate of three farthings for each ton of ironstone in respect of which contributions are payable by operators under that Act;(iii) in paying compensation for damage or disturbance caused in the exercise of powers of entry conferred by that Act;(b) any administrative expenses of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries under the said Act of the present Session and any other expenses of his under that Act—(i) in acquiring or in managing or farming worked ironstone land;(ii) in paying compensation for damage or disturbance caused in the exercise of powers of entry conferred by that Act;(c) any expenses incurred by the Minister of Transport (other than expenses incurred in the construction or improvement of high ways) under the provisions of the said Act of the present Session relating to the temporary stopping up or diversion of highways, and any sums payable into the Road Fund for the purpose of defraying expenses of that Minister which are payable out of that fund by virtue of the said provisions;(d) any payments required to be made by the Central Land Board in pursuance of the said Act of the present Session in respect of expenses incurred in complying with conditions of planning permission for the winning and working of minerals, and any payments required by the said Act to be made by the said Board into the Exchequer under section sixty-eight of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947;(e) any increase attributable to the provisions of the said Act of the present Session in sums payable out of moneys provided by Parliament under Part I or Part II of the Local Government Act, 1948. Resolution agreed to.