North Yorkshire Police 29. Sir P. Bryan asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department to what extent training the special constables in the North Yorkshire Police force has been suspended. Dr. Summerskill The training of special constables is a matter for individual chief officers of police, but I understand that, because of the necessity to economise in the present financial situation, the Chief Constable of the North Yorkshire force decided that it was not possible to hold weekend residential training courses for special constables during the past winter. Non-residential training has not been affected. Sir P. Bryan asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what is the authorised establishment and the actual strength of cadets in the North Yorkshire Police force. Dr. Summerskill The establishment is 75. The strength after the intake in September 1976 was 48. Transfers to the force and resignations reduced this to 32 on 30th April 1977. Sir P. Bryan asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what is the authorised strength of the special constabulary in the North Yorkshire Police force; and what is its present actual strength. Dr. Summerskill The establishment of special constables is a matter for agreement between individual chief officers and their police authority. The strength of the North Yorkshire Special Constabulary to date is 393.