Rateable Values Mr. Austin Mitchell To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for each region in Scotland the number of (a) rateable domestic premises before the poll tax came into effect, (b) resident adults and (c) resident children together with (i) the rateable value of the domestic premises, (ii) the yield from that rate and (iii) the estimated yield from a 1 per cent. levy on the capital value of the housing stock in 1988 and 1989. Lord James Douglas-Hamilton The available information is set out in the table. Gross yield is calculated by applying poundages (net of domestic relief) to total rateable values. Figures on actual yield after allowing for reliefs, non-payment, and so on are not available separately for the domestic sector. Reliable estimates of the capital value of the housing stock are not available.------------------------------------------------- |Number of persons aged 16 and over in household| ------------------------------------------------- |Five or more | ------------------------------------------------- |TOTAL | -------------------------------------------------