Hiv Mr. Galloway To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will consider the preparation and publication of guidelines for a healthy life style for those who are HIV antibody positive but asymptomatic; and if she will make a statement. Mr. Sackville Advice on healthy lifestyles for those who are HIV antibody positive but asymptomatic is primarily a matter for individual clinicians to advise on in consultation with their patients. General advice to people who are diagnosed HIV positive, including suggestions on maintaining their health and well-being, is available in various publications, including the Health Education Authority's leaflet "Being Positive—Living with HIV". Copies of this leaflet have been placed in the Library. Mr. Chris Smith To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what proportion of funds allocated by her Department for HIV and AIDS work in each year since 1987 has been devoted to HIV prevention;(2) what proportion of funds allocated by her Department for HIV and AIDS work in each year since 1987 has been devoted to support for the voluntary sector. Mr. Sackville The table gives details of the proportion of funding from the Department of Health which has been allocated to: National public education programmes and telephone helpline services through the Department of Health and the Health Education Authority; Health authorities, since 1989–90, as a contribution towards the additional costs incurred by them in developing community-based local HIV prevention initiatives; and The voluntary sector. --------- |Year | --------- |1987–88| --------- |1988–89| --------- |1989–90| --------- |1990–91| --------- |1991–92| --------- |1992–93| --------- |1993–94| ---------