Women Tramway Conductors 30. Mr. GILBERT asked the Home Secretary whether it is proposed that in future all inquiries as regards the characters of women employed as tramcar conductors in the Metropolitan area shall be made by the police instead of the various tramway authorities; and for what reason this change has been made? Sir G. CAVE The Commissioner of Police is under a statutory obligation to satisfy himself as to the character and good behaviour of an applicant for a licence before granting the licence In the case of women, he agreed provisionally to accept the result of inquiries made by the tramway and omnibus authorities and companies, but experience has shown that these inquiries were not always adequate, and it has been found necessary to resume direct police inquiries, such as are made in the case of men, except where the company or authority gives a written undertaking to make proper inquiry about each candidate. Mr. GILBERT Arising out of that reply, can the right lion. Gentleman state how many tramway authorities this will apply to? Does it apply to all tramway authorities? Sir G. CAVE I should like notice of that.