Dependant's Allowance Mr. Thorne asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that Mrs. Swann, who has a son in the Fleet Air Arm, was allowed 24s. 9d. a week by the Admiralty until February, when her daughter, who is 15 years of age, had her pay increased by Is. 6d. a week; that the Admiralty then reduced the mother's allowance to 16s. 3d. a week; and whether he will review this decision? Captain Pilkington Under the rules governing the issue of dependant's allowance, which are common to the three Services, when a member of the household earns 20S. a week or more he or she is regarded as self-supporting and no longer as a sub-dependant. In this case the increase of Is. 6d. a week brought the daughter's earning from 19s. 6d. to 21S. a week, and it was consequently necessary to re-assess the amount of the dependant's allowance paid to the mother. I am, however, having inquiries made into the possibility of assisting Mrs. Swann further, and I will let the hon. Member know the result in due course.