Parliamentary Franchise (Register) 13. Sir Geoffrey Shakespeare asked the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the preoccupation in recent weeks of officers and men in preparation for a second front, he will extend the time limit for the completion of A.F. B2626. The Secretary of State for War (Sir James Grigg) My hon. Friend will be glad to know that no time limit has been laid down for the completion of A.F. B. 2626. Sir G. Shakespeare May I ask my right hon. Friend whether in view of the fact that there must be great numbers of fighting men in Burma, Italy and Normandy, apart from those at home, he will consult with the Home Secretary to see whether some new machinery could be devised? Otherwise, these men will be disfranchised. Sir J. Grigg No, they should not be. Arrangements have been made to bring the requirements of the Act to their notice and attention, just as much as in the case of soldiers in this country. Mr. Driberg Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a time limit was imposed in certain units by certain commanding officers, and has he made it clear that this was irregular? Sir J. Grigg Perhaps the hon. Member will give me some information. There is no time limit laid down in the law or by the Army Council. Mr. Driberg But will the right hon. Gentleman make that clear to these particular units?