Manpower Economy Committee (Industrial Members) 2. Mr. Geoffrey Cooper asked the Secretary of State for Air if he will consider adding to the Manpower Economy Committee one or more individuals who have first-hand experience in industry of personnel organisation and control, and if he will publish the names of the two civilians of standing in the industrial world, together with their qualifications, the intended appointment of whom has recently been announced. The Secretary of State for Air (Mr. Philip Noel-Baker) As I explained in the Debate on the Air Estimates on 17th March, and again in answer to a Question by my hon. Friend the Member for South Cardiff (Mr. Callaghan) on 24th April, there are two members of the Manpower Economy Committee who have first-hand experience in industry of personnel organisation and control—Mr. A. A. M. Durrant, the Chief Mechanical Engineer of the London Passenger Transport Board, and Mr. E. W. Bussey, who represents the Trades Union Congress. The Committee was set up at the beginning of this year, and has made gotd progress in its work.