Bulk Buying 70. Sir F. Sanderson asked the President of the Board of Trade whether in view of the fact that there is a widespread feeling throughout the country that the policy of bulk buying of the foods and materials which Britain needs is opposed to the best interests of the country, he will set up a committee to investigate the whole matter and to render a report. Mr. Belcher No, Sir. I do not accept the hon. Member's premise. Nor do I think any useful purpose would be served by such an investigation. Sir F. Sanderson Is it not a fact that under bulk buying we do not know what is going on save only that supplies are becoming increasingly less at ever increasing prices, and will the hon. Gentleman not consider calling in the experts to deliver the goods? Mr. Belcher The experts are already there. I think it is not surprising that the sort of thing described by the hon. Gentleman exists in a world sellers' market. Sir W. Smithers In view of the fact that the Minister of Food refuses to dis- close details of these purchases and the taxpayer has to bear the loss, will the hon. Gentleman not consider the suggestion to set up this committee so that the whole country may know the details? Mr. Belcher It would not be a bad idea if that question were addressed to the right hon. Gentleman the Minister of Food.