Falkland Island Dependencies 51. Mr. Langford-Holt asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that the Argentine Embassy in London issues a bulletin which includes maps showing the Falkland Island Dependencies as part of Argentina; and whether he will protest to the Argentine Government. Mr. Younger Yes, Sir. His Majesty's Government have, on a number of occasions, formally protested to the Argentine Government against their infringements of British sovereignty in the Falkland Island Dependencies, and have refuted Argentine claims to sovereignty over any part of British Antarctic territory. As was stated in the House on 4th April, His Majesty's Government will once more lodge a formal protest if the reported establishment of a new Argentine base in the Dependencies is confirmed. With regard to the Embassy bulletin, His Majesty's Government consider that, since the major question of sovereignty has been a matter for protest, such minor acts do not justify a separate protest and are better ignored. Mr. Nigel Fisher Does the hon. Gentleman's reply mean that after five years of this Government, the power and prestige of Britain have fallen so low that we can no longer preserve the integrity of our own territories? Mr. Younger No, Sir.