Toll Bridges And Tunnels Mr. McNamara asked the Minister of Transport whether he will list in the Official Report those publicly-owned toll bridges and tunnels in England over or under river estuaries, showing for the past 10 years the toll for each class of vehicle, the accumulated capital debt and annual running costs of each tunnel and bridge for each of the past 10 years and the----------------- | | | | | | ----------------- |1968–69|…|…|…|…| ----------------- |1969–70|…|…|…|…| ----------------- |1970–71|…|…|…|…| ----------------- |1971–72|…|…|…|…| ----------------- |1972–73|…|…|…|…| ----------------- |1973–74|…|…|…|…| ----------------- |1974–75|…|…|…|…| ----------------- |1975–76|…|…|…|…| ----------------- |1976–77|…|…|…|…| ----------------- |1977–78|…|…|…|…| ----------------- |1978–79|…|…|…|…| ----------------- If traffic flows remained at their 1979 levels and inflation declined to a long term rate of 5 per cent. tolls would have to be increased to about 27p for cars and 54p for lorries, to clear the accumulated debt within the orginally agreed debt------------------- | | | ------------------- |Dartford tunnel|…|35p for up to 30 cwt unladen weight|35p not exceeding 14 seats| ------------------- | | |||55p for over 30 cwt unladen weight|55p not exceeding 28 seats| ------------------- | | |||85p for vehicles with more than 2 axles|85p exceeding 28 seats| ------------------- |Mersey tunnels |…|30p for up to 3 tons unladen weight| ------------------- | | |||70p for over 3 tons unladen weight|| ------------------- |Tyne tunnel |…|20p for up to 30 cwt unladen weight|20p not exceeding 14 seats| ------------------- | | |||50p for over 30 cwt unladen weight|50p exceeding 14seats| ------------------- |Tamar bridge* |…|30p for unladen weight not exceeding 25 cwt|30p for vehicles licensed to carry 8 people| ------------------- | | |||40p for over 25 cwt but not exceeding 2 tons unladen weight|£1·40 for vehicles licensed to carry more than 8 people| ------------------- | | |||80p for laden weight exceeding 2 tons but not exceeding 7 tons unladen weight|| ------------------- | | |||£1·40 for unladen weight exceeding 7 tons|| ------------------- amount by which tolls, at current prices and assuming constant traffic flows, must be increased to pay off the accumulated debt over the originally agreed debt period. Mr. Fowler The only tolled crossing for which I am responsible is the Severn bridge. Toll charges were 5p for motor cycles and 12½p for all other vehicles from its opening in 1966 until 1973. From 1973 until August 1979 toll charges were 5p for motorcycles and 12p for all other vehicles. Since 29 August 1979 toll charges have been 10p for motorcycles, 20p for cars and other vehicles not exceeding 30 cwt.—unladen weight—and 40p for all other vehicles.The following table shows the accumulated capital debts and annual running costs:period. It is my policy to raise tolls as necessary to do so.Other tolled estuarial crossings are the responsibility of the appropriate authorities. The latest authorised tolls are, however, as follows: