Civil Service (Young Women) 41. Mr. Peter Freeman asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that a girl of 15 years of age, who has just left school and qualified as an assistant in the Civil Service, has been refused any position in Newport or Cardiff, but has been offered a post in London; and, in view of the undesirability of asking young girls to leave the vicinity of their homes at such an age, if he will provide more suitable posts in all cases of this nature. The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Sir Stafford Cripps) Girls qualifying as clerical assistants are offered local appointments so far as possible. Where, as in Wales, the number of successful candidates has exceeded the number of local vacancies, the only alternative has been to offer posts in London, which successful candidates can decline if they do not wish to leave their homes. Recruitment was suspended in Wales in March, except for applicants willing to consider posts in London. Mr. Freeman Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman aware that nearly half a million young people left Wales during the last quarter of a century; and will he take steps to avoid a repetition of that? Sir S. Cripps I am afraid that we cannot organise our administration on the basis of creating more posts in Wales because there are more young women who want more jobs. Sir W. Smithers Is it not inevitable that under a Socialist Government there will be forced labour; and is not this case but another of many instances which are evidence that Soviet methods are coming to Britain?