"Cutty Sark" 47. Mr. Janner asked the Lord President of the Council whether he will consider refitting and putting on show in the Thames for the Festival of Britain the last of the tea clippers, "Cutty Sark," in view of its beauty and as a monument to British shipbuilding. Mr. H. Morrison Whilst I have the greatest sympathy with the idea, which has already been given careful consideration by the Festival organisers, I regret that it is impossible. There is no mooring near the South Bank Exhibition capable of accommodating her, and there are other practical problems involved. Mr. Keeling Is not the "Cutty Sark" mainly a monument to what can be done by the private importation of tea in comparison with bulk buying? Mr. G. R. Howard Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that the "Cutty Sark" may in many ways be considered more suitable than the other vessel which, I understand, is being moored off the Festival Gardens, in view of her past experience in trading, and the job that she did in the tea trade? Captain Ryder Apart from the Festival of Britain, would the Lord President consider how a monument of this nature could be put on a lasting footing? Mr. Pickthorn Is not the "Cutty Sark" naturally an exhibitionist? Mr. Emrys Hughes Is this the original "Cutty Sark" mentioned by Burns in "Tam o'Shanter"? Mr. Morrison I do not know, but I well remember "Tam o'Shanter."