Housing Mr. McGrady To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what comparative assessments have been made between housing associations and the Housing Executive with regard to the value for money in the administration, management and development costs of the different organisations. Mr. Atkins It is not possible to draw meaningful comparisons of relative value for money between the Housing Executive and housing associations because of the differences in the scale of their operations, in the housing needs which they seek to meet and in age and type of their housing stock. However, work is continuing to develop valid comparisons of management, maintenance and capital costs. A recent assessment of the value for money in new housing schemes confirms that in general both the Housing Executive and housing associations provide value for money. Mr. McGrady To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what provision for move-on accommodation has been made by the Housing Executive for the years 1993–94, 1994–95 and 1995–96. Mr. Atkins I have been advised by the chairman of the Housing Executive that it does not make specific provision for move-on accommodation.--------- | | --------- |Year | --------- |1981–82| --------- |1982–83| --------- |1983–84| --------- |1984–85| --------- |1985–86| --------- |1986–87| --------- |1987–88| --------- |1988–89| --------- |1989–90| --------- |1990–91| --------- |1991–92| ---------