Housing (Ex-Regular Soldiers) 44. Mr. Digby asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning if he is aware that many local authorities are still refusing to accept housing applications from Regular serving officers and men, owing to lack of residential qualifications; and what further steps he is taking to help Regular members of the Forces to obtain accommodation for their families and themselves when their Service engagement ends. The Minister of Local Government and Planning (Mr. Dalton) I am not in favour of too rigid a residential qualification for applicants for council houses, and I hope that local authorities will give due consideration to the housing needs of ex-Regular officers and men. Mr. Digby Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that housing authorities can put these families on their lists only at the expense of their own residents, and is it not possible to make some extra allocation to house these people from outside the area? Mr. Dalton Allocations are not based upon that, but upon the building of houses. It is open to the local authorities, by their points system and so on, to re-arrange and choose their tenants, and I hope that they will choose persons like those referred to in the Question. Brigadier Prior-Palmer Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that building is not governed by what can be done, but by the licences that are issued by the right hon. Gentleman's Department; and that there are cases where the materials and labour are available but the licences are not obtainable? The right hon. Gentleman has repeatedly said in this House that building is in accordance with capacity, and that is inaccurate. Mr. Dalton I have repeatedly said that if any local authority can prove to me that it can build more than the allocation. I will increase it.