Ex-Ministers (Directorships) 51. Mr. MIDDLETON asked the Prime Minister whether he will make it a condition to Ministers on accepting office in his Government that they will not, after ceasing to hold office, permit themselves to be associated with private companies and firms who may profit by the knowledge or information gained by Ministers in the course of their public duties, especially when such firms or companies are competitors of State undertakings? The PRIME MINISTER I would refer the hon. Member to the answer which I gave yesterday in reply to a similar question by my hon. Friend the Member for Frome (Mr. Hurd). Mr. MIDDLETON Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in this question a much wider issue is raised than in the question which was put yesterday? Sir H. CRAIK Does my right hon. Friend not think that such a rule laid down for Ministers would be very valuable applied to permanent civil servants after they have been carrying on public work for some years, because it is most undesirable that they should accept such appointments? Mr. SPEAKER That is a new question.