Civil Aviation Authority: Members' Salaries Lord BOYD-CARPENTER asked Her Majesty's Government:Whether they will publish in the Official Report a list showing the salaries now paid to full-time members of the Civil Aviation Authority; the salaries paid to the holders of these appointments when the Authority assumed its full responsibilities in April 1972; and the percentage difference in real terms after allowing for changes in prices and taxation between the purchasing powers of the 1972 and current salaries. Lord ORAM In accordance with normal practice in publishing the salaries of board members the information in the accounts of the Civil Aviation Authority for 1972–73 which relates to full-time members is presented in the following form:-------------- |Emoluments—£| -------------- And in their accounts for 1976–77:--------------- |10,001–12,500| --------------- |12,501–15,000| --------------- |15,001–17,500| --------------- Note: One full-time member, who was a serving officer in the Royal Air Force, received no emoluments from the Authority. The salaries now paid would produce the following: --------------- |10,001–12,500| --------------- |12,501–15,000| --------------- Only the current appointment in the £10,001-£12,500 hand is generally comparable to an appointment in 1972, when it appeared in the same band. It is not possible to carry through the comparisons of income after taxation, which depends on personal circumstances. The retail price index increased between April 1972 and September 1977 by 120·1 per cent.