Mercantile Marine—The "Wreck Register 1873 "—Question MR. MELLOR (for MR. PLIMSOLL) , asked the President of the Board of Trade, If he can say how soon the Wreck Register for 1873 will be issued? SIR CHARLES ADDERLEY Sir, The Wreck Register for 1872 was not circulated till October last, so that there has been no unusual delay this year; but in order to show all the casualties in the winter in one Return, and to be able to present The Wreck Register at the beginning of each Session, it has been determined in future to make it from the 30th of June to the 30th of June, instead of the 31st of December of each year. The Return for the six months ended the 30th of June 1873, is now in the printer's hands, and will be published as soon as the maps can be lithographed.