Debt Interest Mr. John Moore asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) if he will publish in theOfficial Reporta table showing for each year since 1945 and giving estimated figures when final figures are not yet available, debt interest as defined in table 12 of Command Paper No. 7049 as a percentage of (a) gross domestic product at factor cost, (b) gross domestic product at market prices and (c) gross national product;(2) if he will publish in the Official Reporta table showing for each year since 1945 and giving estimated figures when final figures are not yet available, debt interest, as defined in table 12 of Command Paper No. 7049, per head of population. Mr. Joel Barnett The figures for debt interest as defined in Cmnd. 7049 at current prices are shown in the table below. figures prior to 1959 are not available.------ | | ------ |1959| ------ |1960| ------ |1961| ------ |1962| ------ |1963| ------ |1964| ------ |1965| ------ |1966| ------ |1967| ------ |1968| ------ |1969| ------ |1970| ------ |1971| ------ |1972| ------ |1973| ------ |1974| ------ |1975| ------ |1976| ------ |1977| ------